Summer Events: Building a Backup Plan

If uncertain times suggest an event can’t be hosted physically, that doesn’t mean you can’t use your online tools to promote the occasion and involve your customers! Here are some ways to develop a backup plan if you might need to cancel a summertime event.

Social Media Insights: Analytics 101 for the Hesitant Business Owner

Simply put, analytics is a term for data that you have access to that lets you track how people are engaging with your social media. Analytics lets you track a variety of information including how many “likes” your posts are receiving, how many people are seeing your posts, how many times people have clicked to visit a link, and much more. Most popular social media sites let you access analytics for free. Let’s take a look at how to find the analytics pages on some of the most famous sites you might be using.

3 Easy Ways to Stay Up To Date Online

Keeping your business information updated and current is the best first step to retaining customers and pointing them directly to what they need to know to most seamlessly make a purchase.

A Beginner’s Guide to WooCommerce

If you’re already settled in to your new WordPress website but hope to take charge of your eCommerce offeringe, jump into WooCommerce! Learn more from us before you do!

Working From Home: Tips & Tricks

Has your business, employment or education unexpectedly and suddenly transitioned online? Check out our workflow tips as you adjust to your working from home routine.