Working From Home: Tips & Tricks

Has your business, employment or education unexpectedly and suddenly transitioned online? Check out our workflow tips as you adjust to your working from home routine.

Exploring: Harvest Time Tracking

Are your employees working remotely these days? If so, you may be searching for the best time tracking option. Harvest is a great option that we use here at Monkey VA!

Why You Need WordPress Elementor Theme Builder

When you hear the words website code what do you think of? Do you think of some computer genius sitting at their computer for hours on end creating content you have no idea how to create? Or do you think of a string of words and numbers, that, again, you have no idea how to […]

7 Tips for a Landing Page with High ROI

You have put in a countless amount of time and effort into your website. You have made sure to utilize backlinks and keep your SEO high, but one the most important part of any website that could be overlooked? Your landing pages. Without killer landing pages, you will have a harder time with conversion and understanding the effectiveness of […]

Installing A Beautiful MLS Search Function On WordPress Without Breaking Budget

You’ve taken the leap to create a stunning new real estate website through WordPress, and it’s time to make a decision about how you’ll approach your MLS integration. What happens now? Before you pass the task off to your developer, it’s time to make a decision that will impact the success of your new website, and […]

End of the Year Wishes

Another year has come and gone. Instead of working long hours and weekends this next week, we hope you are taking time for yourself. You have earned it. Whether you are running a business, still in the works of creating your own, interning for your dream job, or currently working your dream job, you have […]

Why You Should Use Divi Themes To Build Your Website

It is essential. Every business needs it, but not every business can afford to have it made for them. Some business owners have to take it into their own hands, but have little knowledge or do not know where to even start. Any guesses what we’re talking about? A website is crucial in a market where customers […]