Mailing List Maintenance 101: How to Conquer the Stale List

An orderly mailing list is an effective mailing list. When you keep your contacts up to date, you will know that your analytics are trustworthy and your marketing is reaching an active and interested audience. Here are five easy tasks that will keep your mailing list updated.

How to Manage a Weekly Newsletter

Has your company ever considering sending out a weekly email newsletter? Here are some tips and tricks to help you create a successful one!

Social Media Insights: Analytics 101 for the Hesitant Business Owner

Simply put, analytics is a term for data that you have access to that lets you track how people are engaging with your social media. Analytics lets you track a variety of information including how many “likes” your posts are receiving, how many people are seeing your posts, how many times people have clicked to visit a link, and much more. Most popular social media sites let you access analytics for free. Let’s take a look at how to find the analytics pages on some of the most famous sites you might be using.