Understand Your Competition to Understand Your Business

The beginning of the fall and winter seasons is a pivotal time for your business to prepare for ramped up sales through the holidays. However, it is important to keep in mind that your competitors will be doing the same. By studying your competition and your position in the market, you’ll be better prepared to map out your business’s growth and reach your target audience.

Social Media Insights: Analytics 101 for the Hesitant Business Owner

Simply put, analytics is a term for data that you have access to that lets you track how people are engaging with your social media. Analytics lets you track a variety of information including how many “likes” your posts are receiving, how many people are seeing your posts, how many times people have clicked to visit a link, and much more. Most popular social media sites let you access analytics for free. Let’s take a look at how to find the analytics pages on some of the most famous sites you might be using.

4 Simple Tips for Improving SEO

Have you recently made a Google search, read the first few results, and wondered what it takes to make it to that first page? Have you wondered what affects that result rank, or what someone can do to improve your rank?