10 Reasons Why You Should Have Standard Operating Procedures at Your Small Businesses

In a word, the reason why you should have Standard Operating Procedures at your business, no matter its size, is “clarity.” SOPs help you answer who, what, when, where, why, and how, without the headaches.
Spring Cleaning: Task Delegation Edition
This spring cleaning, take a decluttering approach to your task list! Learn how to delegate efficiently and set yourself up for success.
Exploring Workplace Online Organization Tools: Trello vs Asana
There will come a time in every person’s professional, or personal life, where they just cannot keep up with every task they have going on. It happens to us all and there comes a point where your desk, or fridge, can no longer hold any more sticky notes. What then? Welcome to the wonderful world […]
34 Tasks To Delegate To Your Virtual Assistant
If you are not careful you will get burnt out before you can see your business through. The key is to delegate.