Unlocking Success: Hire the best Virtual Executive Assistant

Are you overwhelmed with administrative tasks that are consuming your time and hindering your ability to focus on growing your business? If so, it’s time to consider finding the best virtual executive assistant for your business. With their expertise in managing calendars, organizing data, and handling administrative duties, these virtual professionals can free up valuable […]

Sourcing Inclusive Stock Photos: 4 Reliable Platforms to Start Using Today

Affordable stock imagery that is genuinely inclusive and that represents traditionally underrepresented groups can be difficult to find. Luckily, stock-image curators and photographers are actively working to change this. Here are some of the best, rising image resources for diverse and inclusive media.

The Importance of Giving Thanks to Your Customers

Thanksgiving is a uniquely American holiday, celebrated widely by most US citizens and with many businesses closing to partake in the festivities. While you might be looking forward to taking the day off and enjoying time with family and friends, don’t let the holiday pass by without giving thanks to your customers as well. In […]

What Users Want From Holiday Social Media Marketing

While marketing is an opportunity to tell a story about your business, you want to make sure that you are sharing information that speaks to the needs of your customers. Here’s a quick rundown on what users want from holiday marketing, to ensure your content is approachable, meaningful, and likely to generate sales.

Sales Model Showdown: Funnel at 125 Years, Flywheel at 2

If you’ve been doing any sales research within the last ten years, you’ve probably heard of a “sales funnel” before. However, while the sales funnel model does solve many problems, there are new approaches developing to address some of its shortcomings for the online sales world. Here’s a brief walkthrough on the pros and cons of both.

10 Reasons Why Standard Operating Procedures are for Small Businesses, Too

Managing a small business can feel so much like a one-person-show that it truly turns into one—in a way that puts small business owners at constant risk of overwhelm, burnout, and inconsistency, and leaving employees scrambling when the owner is unavailable to provide guidance. All of this can be curbed with the introduction of standard operating procedures (SOPs). SOPs are documents detailing all the steps required in a given business operation, and can include anything from how to intake a new client to how to order new office supplies. The benefits of SOPs are truly countless, but here are 10 of our favorites.

3 Remote Work Habits That Are A Tremendous Cost to Your Business

Working remotely is a careful balance between flexibility and discipline. Identifying and eliminating costly habits is the first step you should take when streamlining your remote work routine. Here are some of the habits to address in your (or your team’s) online business culture.