How to Harness the Exit Strategy of a Business Plan to Ensure Intentional Growth

arrow pointing right carved into cement wall.

In the world of business, success is often measured by growth and expansion. However, what many entrepreneurs fail to consider is the eventual culmination of their efforts—the exit strategy of a business plan.  It might seem counterintuitive to prioritize how you’re going to sell or otherwise step away from the business you are currently investing […]

How SOPs Support a Simplified Onboarding Process and Solve High Turnover Rates

Man behind a desk wearing a white sweater stands up to shake the hand of a woman sitting on the other side of the desk.

High turnover rates are more than just a statistic—they reveal a dynamic force that is molding the contours of your daily operations and impacting the growth and success of your business. For one thing, they indicate a significant financial loss—yes, even on a small team. Just consider the expense of training new hires. Let’s say […]

Boosting Morale at Work: Practical Strategies for Cultivating Employee Engagement

Team of professionals gather together to place hands in the center of the group.

There’s no question that boosting morale at work and increasing employee engagement is pivotal to maintaining employee retention—a reality that didn’t begin with but was punctuated by the so-called Great Resignation of 2021 and the since steady reprioritization of employee satisfaction in the workplace. Looking beyond the obvious impact of retention rates on the success […]

Outsourcing to a Virtual Assistant: When & How to Hire a VA

A young smiling woman wearing a dark green short sleeve shirt sits at a table with books and a laptop in front of her.

In today’s fast-paced business world, outsourcing to a virtual assistant has become an increasingly popular and effective way to streamline processes, affordably delegate part-time work, and expand time and energy for core business activities and growth initiatives.  With such a rich pool of virtual assistants on the market, outsourcing to a virtual assistant can be […]