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by Chandler Prohl | Jan 26, 2018

If you work in marketing, chances are you have had to source stock photos for your client and have come across some pretty ridiculous photos. Here are some of our favorites from April.

The Search: “Happy”

fun shepherd 3081505 1280

Need this photo in your next blog about happiness? Get it here!

The Search: “Corporate”

fun portrait 3052705 1280

Having a meeting about workplace dress code? Use this image!

 The Search: “Nature”

fun giraffe 1959110 1280

Writing a blog about giant giraffes? Then this one is a must! Download it now!

 The Search: “Professional”

fun suit 673697 1280

Need to create a “No Guns Allowed” in the workplace flyer? Use this photo!

The Search: “Fun”

fun 15940727 941424992656775 7514633789974916051 n

This photo has recently been pulled off Pixabay, but you can get it’s counterpart here!

Tired of looking through hundreds of crappy photos to find the perfect shot? Check out Unsplash. They have professional-quality photos free for commercial use.

Send your own ridiculous stock photo finds to, and you may get featured in our next “Ridiculous Stock Photos” post!